Cinema 4D V12 Plugins Info

I’ve been asked by a few people what will become of my plugins with the release of version 12 of Cinema 4D.

-The batch rename plugins appear to work.

-Ilay Shpilkin on CGTalk was nice enough to compile a version of LightLister for 12, which I will put up here. For now it can be found on this cgtalk thread:

-Destruction will most likely not be developed further by me. Too many other similar plugins out there right now.

-Render Elements will receive an update and some bug fixes, but this will not happen for several months. A lot of things have changed in the SDK and will require some re-writing for this to work.

Render Elements 0.6.95 (Mac only for now)

Added support for .gi files when generating Cinema 4D files. On generation RE will now look at your render settings, determine if you are using GI, and if there is a stored irradiance file and copy (and rename it appropriately) to your save location. This is especially helpful in Net Rendering, as GI will not have to be recalculated at all if there is a stored irradiance file.

Also added some basic support for sketch and toon tags. Need to do a little more work here, as there are some bugs.

Render Elements 0.6.95 for Mac

And here is a quick video showing the new features and how they can can speed up GI Workflow in Cinema 4D:

Render Elements V0.6.91

Ok, here a link to the plugin.

C4D Version 11 only.

64bit and 32bit for Mac. 32bit only for PC. Will be 64bit later.

In this version, just about everything I wanted to add has been added. Still waiting on license key for Vray 1.1 in order to add additional Vray support. V0.6.92 will probably include support for Xrefs, which didn’t make it into this version.