Houdini Particle Morphing Effects


Houdini Particle Morphing Effects

I just created a new tutorial for CMIVFX about doing particle morphing effects in Houdini.  I think it is a great collection of useful information and shows how to get some nice, natural motion with your particles.  If you want to improve your particle simulations and overall understanding of Houdini, I highly recommend watching this tutorial.

Houdini Spiral Galaxy Tutorial

Houdini Spiral Galaxy Tutorial

Just a quick post to promote my new tutorial for cmivfx.  It shows how to create a 3D spiral galaxy from scratch.  The images used to promote the video are the actual images made from the tutorial.  It covers creating a vortex star simulation in POPS, DOPS smoke simulation for the gas, and a SOPS system for the background star field.  I go through material creation, rendering, and compositing.  I also provide a finished hip file that has all the networks in it.  I should note that this is more of a creative approach, rather than a scientific approach, so if you are looking for something like an n-body approach, you won’t find that here.

I hope people find this tutorial easy to understand, well thought out, and presented clearly.  I believe CMIVFX is offering a discount code at the moment, so if you are looking to purchase it, now would be a good time.

CMIVFX – Connections Tutorial


I am thrilled to announce my first tutorial produced for CMIVFX!  Here is a brief summary:

Houdini is not just for visual effects. With the availability of Houdini for all platforms and the variety of training materials now available, Houdini is making headway into the world of motion graphics.  The procedural nature of Houdini, combined with its powerful dynamics system, make Houdini an important player in visualizing data and allowing graphic artists to express themselves in new and powerful ways.  In this tutorial series we are going to look at a current design trend – data connections –  and build a procedural system in Houdini to accomplish this task while harnessing all the additional benefits Houdini has to offer.  We’ll learn how to draw connections between relational points of data (in this case, by proximity), create text readouts of the data, and combine this system with Houdini’s dynamics network.  At the end of the tutorial, the viewer will know how to create a reusable digital asset to handle this effect, and hopefully learn a few new tricks along the way!
